The Essential PADI Scapa Flow Wreck Diver
Bronze Package
We spend the first two days working on fundamental dive skills such as buoyancy control, team communication and DSMB deployment. Whilst we do this, we'll learn how to line off and safely penetrate wrecks whilst exploring the British Blockships sunk by the Royal Navy.
We finish with a days boat diving where we solidify these skills whilst exploring some amazing shipwrecks.
Total Dives: 6 (3 Days - 2 Shore + 1 Boat)
Total Certifications - 2 (SFWD + Wreck)
Prerequisites - PADI AOW or Equivalent and Drysuit Certification and a minimum of 20 dives.
The Tec PADI Scapa Flow Wreck Diver
Silver Package
This 4 day course is perfect for people that want to get the most out of exploring Scapa Flow whist taking the first step into the world of technical diving.
The course is similar to our Essentials package but also introduces you to twin set diving and various techniques used to dive with it safely. We finish with 2 days diving off the boat giving you loads of time to explore the German Fleet.
Total Dives: 7 (4 Days - 2 Shore + 2 Boat)
Total Certifications - 3 (SFWD, Wreck + TDI Intro to Tec)
Prerequisites - PADI AOW or Equivalent and Drysuit Certification and a minimum of 20 dives.
The I'd Like To Go Deeper PADI Scapa Flow Wreck Diver
Gold Package
This is our ultimate PADI Scapa Flow Wreck Diver course, we start as previous but adds an extra day of boat diving, allowing us to include your PADI Deep Diver course as well. This course certifies you down to 40 metres and opens up areas of the German High Seas Fleet, such as the huge guns of the battleships, which would not otherwise be accessible!
Total Dives: 9 (5 Days - 2 Shore + 3 Boat)
Total Certifications - 4 (PADI SFWD, Deep + Wreck, TDI Intro to Tec)
Prerequisites - PADI AOW or Equivalent and Drysuit Certification and a minimum of 20 dives.
Prices include all equipment and materials needed as well as a donation to PADI AWARE Foundation to support marine conservation efforts and help protect the underwater world we love.